Why Pizza Franchises are a Good Investment

signing franchise contract

Many entrepreneur’s first thought when they realize they want to have their own business is to create a start-up. That may work for some, but you’re potentially looking at starting a high-risk endeavor (start-ups are high-risk, whichever way you look at it).

What most entrepreneurs don’t realize is that they actually have a low-risk, high-success rate option right in front of them- Pizza franchising.

Pizza Franchises are a Low-Risk Investment

Franchises all-around have a high success rate, making them a much lower risk than starting a small business. In 2012, a national network of franchising consultants called FranNet released a detailed survey that showed a 91% success rate for franchises- 42% higher than the typical small business. Statistics show that 25% of start-ups fail within their first year, with 50% of the remaining small businesses failing within five years, and 30% of the remaining last more than ten years. With franchises, you don’t have this kind of risk! You can invest with peace of mind.

Plus, from a financial standpoint, franchises carry much less risk. There aren’t any curveballs or gut punches that come at you when it comes to investing in a franchise. You have the original fees for buying the franchise and the ongoing fees that go to the franchiser, but past that you shouldn’t have any surprises.

Why pizza franchising is a good investment

Pizza isn’t a Trending Food, but an American Staple

91% of Americans eat pizza at least once a month, and if we're honest, it’s not going anywhere. Pizza has been around since the 1800s, and it has incredible universal appeal. People from around the world love their pizza- but especially Americans!

Opening a pizza franchise means that you’re offering a high-demand product that ensures you’ll almost always see a profit. Obviously, demand alone doesn’t mean a business will see success, but it does make a business a viable option.

Pizza is no longer just a restaurant food, although many patrons love a sit-down pizza experience. People can order it from anywhere- while coming home from work, sitting at home, or for things like events. The convenience of pizza is easily an American favorite. We live in a convenience-oriented society, and pizza has a well-established niche.

Pizza Franchises are Easy to Scale

One of the best things about investing in a pizza franchise like Westside Pizza is that it’s already been done before. Everything is systemized, planned out, provided for you, and there’s no guessing on the right way to do things. It’s all there for you.

Pizza from Westside Pizza franchises is consistent in taste, cooking time, and delivery methods. It’s an efficient choice. Years of experimentation, research, and the development and testing of systems done by Westside Pizza is years you don’t have to spend trying to figure it all out- it’s been done for you! This makes them very easy to scale. Over 50% of franchise owners own multiple locations, which means that as a new franchise owner, you’re looking at potentially more than one franchise in your future if that’s something you desire. Plus, the more locations you franchise, the more you’ll see increases in revenue and profit margins.

Are you interested in starting a pizza franchise? Learn more about it here.

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Westside Pizza Franchise Building



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